Беларусь: Расходы на образование, % гос. расходов
Беларусь |
Государственные расходы на образование, % гос. расходов |
Последний | 12.81 |
Год | 2022 |
Мера | процентов |
Период | 2003 - 2022 |
Средний | 13.28 |
Мин - Макс | 12.12 - 14.53 |
Источник | UNESCO |
Для этого показателя мы предоставляем данные о Беларусь от 2003 до 2022. Среднее значение для Беларусь в течение этого периода составило 13.28 процентов при минимуме в размере 12.12 процентов в 2008 г., и максимуме в размере 14.53 процентов в 2011 г.. Последние данные за 2022 год — 12.81 процентов. Для сравнения, средний мировой показатель в 2022 году по 113 странам — 13.94 процентов.
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Определение: Total general (local, regional and central) government expenditure on education (current, capital, and transfers), expressed as a percentage of total general government expenditure on all sectors (including health, education, social services, etc.). It includes expenditure funded by transfers from international sources to government. Public education expenditure includes spending by local/municipal, regional and national governments (excluding household contributions) on educational institutions (both public and private), education administration, and subsidies for private entities (students/households and other privates entities). In some instances data on total public expenditure on education refers only to the ministry of education and can exclude other ministries that spend a part of their budget on educational activities. The indicator is calculated by dividing total public expenditure on education incurred by all government agencies/departments by the total government expenditure and multiplying by 100. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website: http://www.uis.unesco.org/Education/